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April 04, 2012


Cousin Jeff

Sawx winning it all in 2012! Annoy!


wow...cynical much? You should have a job writing for the Globe.

Bill Costello

Cynicism or whatever you want to call it. It sure ain't like the Red Sox in the old days. Whatever became of the mind set of players like Ted Williams, Bobby Doerr, Johnnie Peskey, Dom DiMaggio,Jimmie Piersall, Rudy York, etc. They played for the Red Sox team and the city of Boston (did a great job of it over the years, too). Of course, they took a time out for WW II and the Korean wars. But they came back to play when they were able to. They played as a team, not as a money grubbing single player that always tries to show up his fellow players. Bill Costello


Way to spin this into a commentary on how you think socialism is better than individualism. You're a muppet. The collective lol.

That being said, the Sox management are worse than Washington with how they spend their money.

David Freel

What???Theo is the last bastion of the Red Sox Way? After he pouted about working under Luchino Theo was the main architect of the spend first think last era that finds the Sox where they are today...

glenn a

Go padres, hoping the 56 million payroll wins it all. it would be sweet justice if the lowest paid won it all.

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